Tag Archives: biodegradable

A Celebration of Our First Own Brand Product – Chhurpi Dog Chews


What is Chhurpi? Chhurpi or Churpi is considered to be the world’s hardest cheese. Chhurpi are hand-crafted in the Himalayas using a centuries-old recipe. Produced from the milk of yaks and cows with a dash of lime juice and salt. The Chhurpi are smoked and sun-dried for extra hardness and flavour. Why did we choose […]

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What’s in a poo bag? The good, the bad and the obvious


What’s in a poo bag? Well, the obvious answer is poo and maybe some grass, a leaf and a stick or two, but in my experience there’s a lot more to it than that. From size, material, handles/handleless, thickness, roll/pack, cost… there’s a lot more to poo bags than you might think. As a dog […]

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The Eco in Eco Pet Parcel: Pet, Packaging, Products and Planet

Eco Pet Parcel

Here at Eco Pet Parcel we have two priorities: your pet and the environment. For transparency, we think it is right for us to share how we are operating, so that you know what we’re doing to continue earning the Eco in our name.  Packaging It is important for us to get our products to […]

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